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Species profiles presents in depth studies, articles, and information surrounding the numerous species of Lake Malawi Cichlids.
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Aulonocara rubescens
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Group Haplochromis
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Male Picture
Female Picture
Juvi Picture
Common Name "Rubin Red"
Fish Size min 4" - max 6" Inches
Min Tank Size 30 Gallons
Sexual Differences Male develops orange/red throughout body and fins. Lower half of the head is blue, blue speckles throughout body and fins. Females grey/brown.
General Information This peacock does not occur at all in the lake but rather is a man-made variation using line breeding techniques with Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Chipoka".

The aquarium should have some rockwork but still provide open swimming space both along the bottom and mid-tank region. Feed a quality cichlid flake/pellet food, supplement occasionally with frozen brine, krill or mysis.

Keep one male to several females, do not keep with other Aulonocara species as hybridization can occur.

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