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Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka Albino"
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Group Haplochromis
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Male Picture
Female Picture
Juvi Picture
Common Name "Eureka Red Albino"
Fish Size min 4" - max 6" Inches
Min Tank Size 30 Gallons
General Information The albino form of A. jacobfreibergi lacks the dark tones of the regular A. jacobfreibergi due to an altered gene that does not allow the body to make the usual amounts of a pigment called melanin.

The aquarium should have some rockwork but still provide open swimming space both along the bottom and mid-tank region. Feed a quality cichlid flake/pellet food, supplement occasionally with frozen brine, krill or mysis.

A. jacobfreibergi tends to be a more aggressive species of the Aulonocara genus.

Keep one male to several females, do not keep with other Aulonocara species as hybridization can occur.

The female pic is of an albino Aulonocara rubescens. The albino Aulonocara Eureka is very much the same with a slight hint of orange in the anal fin.

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