Pseudotropheus acei
by Nick Laferriere

Location: Between Ngara and Senga Bay.

Biotope: The Sandy Habitat.

Size: 10cm but can obtain much larger in the aquaria.

Diet: In the wild their main diet consists of aufwuchs and algae from driftwood or trunks of trees that have fallen into the lake. They feed on the sediments covering the logs. They also will take plankton in open water. Related Species: Gephyrochromis moorii.

Color Variants: Ps.acei ‘Luwala Reef’ (Yellow-tail acei), Ps.acei ‘Ngara’ (White-tail acei)

Temperment: In the wild, schools of thousands can be seen at Ngara or at feeding areas. This usually occurs if there is a shortage of food they’ll congregate around water logged tree trunks.

Spawning Behaviour: In the wild, males in breeding coloration aren’t territorial or aggressive and are found among the schools mixed with juveniles and females. In the aquaria however, males are territorial and aggressive. They excavate pits between rocks in the aquaria but don’t in the wild. This is true for both variants. At Ngara they’re more seen than at Luwala Reef. Also they can be found over pure open sand, where no food or shelter can be found. This is very rare though.

Breeding: Spawning takes place on a flat rock or in the wild right on the sand at a random spot. The females are very prolific and can hold upwards of 50 eggs at a time, for about 25 days. They have small eggs and the fry are fairly small at release. They do grow quite quickly and breed at a small size. (2-inches) Males of the Ngara variety are a dark blue/black with bright white caudal and the rear of the dorsal fin. During spawning they can get dark stripes as well. Females are more drab than males. Males of the Luwala variety are a lighter blue with yellow caudal and anal fins and the dorsal is generally white. Females are very similar with a yellow dorsal fin. Both sexes can exhibit egg spots so the only real way to sex properly is to vent them. Yellow-tail Female

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